About Us



Fight the flood of poor quality design and products with me!


When I created Aumi4 I never thought It will become my mission...


My Story 

I got my degree from famous fashion design school LISAA in 2000. And I could not have imagined the journey that was about to unfold before me. Even when I opened AUMI 4 in 2013 I could envision the future.  Idea was creating clothes I never imagined would go beyond.


I'm for And I'm against 

I've always been good at spotting quality. Whether it's a piece of art or a new pair of shoes, I just know when something is worth buying. So naturally, I was always against something that wasn’t up to par. But then one day everything changed... The poorly designed and cheaply made products were everywhere!  So much of it. We leave the era that everything is available in abundance. 



In reality we have enormous overproduction. If you want to buy something that perfectly meets your needs, your first thought may be to search online. But you will be overwhelmed by hundreds or thousands of options which makes it difficult for you to make a decision. 

And All of this stuff is sitting around in a warehouse somewhere.


Wasteful Production 

Over and above all that, we are using kilometers of plastic to package and ship this stuff around. We're all now agreeing that we need to get rid of plastic altogether. 


What we try to do about it.

We are working on building a brand that will be optimized for the future. Most of our items are custom made to order, and we try not to keep stock. We’re losing out on many customers that don’t want to wait for their item to be made, but we’re doing it anyway.

We have been tirelessly hunting down new AI technology to optimize all of our production and logistic processes.

Ai future of logistics

A lot of things are going on right now with AI software, which will be able to handle any sort of logistical needs in order to fight overload and overproduction. We're committed to being ahead of the curve.


Our Commitment 

Plastics need to stop! We’re working on redesigning all our packaging and starting slowly with the production of all new biodegradable shipping supplies. We've committed to complete switching by the end of this year.


We can do BOTH

Our main goal here! To win on both fronts: to achieve the best possible mix of quality and design, without overburdening ourselves and the planet at the same time.

Olga Vasilvesky, September 2022